Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 4 and 5- Check and Check!

Day 4-
Day four was a good day as far as working out goes! I played some Wii Just Dance with the finacee for a half hour or so, we hit up the gym. Did the elliptical for 17 mins, the circut and 10 mins on the treadmill. I even jogged for 3 mins straight which is good for me! We came home and did a little longboarding cuz it was BEAUTIFUL outside.

I was FEELING it today. My poor arms hurt so much. sore sore sore.

That night I completed day four of the 30 day shred! I used my weights the whole time. I felt much stronger for sure, the cardio wasn't nearly as hard. There were a few times I could feel my whole arms shaking but it was close to the end of each rep. I like how Jillian says that when it hurts, those are the ones that count the most.
I also worked out in front of a mirror today to check my form. And I'd give myself an A for form. It also helped to see my flabby stomach bouncing around during jumping jacks cuz it gave my motivation to keep going. I want that thing GONE.

I must've really brought it hard today cuz I was sweating SO MUCH. Like dripping sweat. It felt good tho. Really good.


I woke up and hit the gym right away. 20 mins on the elliptical, six on the circuit and ten on the bike. Then I came home and went straight into the shred. That was a bad idea. My endurance was lower, my legs hurt so much and during the first round of cardio I had to stop and take a five second break for the first time.
I worked thru it tho and finished strong. I felt much better towards the end. I know I'm stronger already. I know my endurance is higher and I know inches have come off. However THE SCALE IS MY ENEMY!! I want to see a 2 on there so bad...but I'm still 132 or 131 every day. The day I start seeing 2's will be a happy day.

My clothes are fitting better, things I haven't been able to wear in ages actually fit now. Strangely I know my boobs have shrunk but in a good way. They were kinda busting out of my bras and now they fit perfect. I also think they feel firmer. My butt is for sure firmer and I can see calf muscles coming in!! My back seems to have less fat back there and my stomach is smaller, but theres still that bulge I want gone. I can feel it getting firmer underneath I just need to get rid of that fat thats in the way.

I was so glad to finish the workout today. I don't think I'll go straight from the gym to shred again anytime soon. My body didn't like it.

I have alot more energy but man oh man am I sore. I was worried at first cuz I wasn't too sore but now is making up for it.

Tomorrow is my ten hour day at work but I'm going to TRY to get up at like 6:45 and bang out the workout before I head to work. We'll see if that actually happens but I"M HALFWAY DONE LEVEL ONE!!! and I wanna get to Level Two ASAP, even tho I'm a little scared of it. I'm excited for the results.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha Sam,i love how detailed you are. this is great motivation for me. this is ash, not chris!
