Thursday, February 23, 2012


Day Seven.
Marks one week since I started this crazy workout.

I am def doing the strength moves correctly cuz they are hurting me alot. I'm doing them tho! All the reps all the way thru.

I can make it thru the cardio alot better too. I'm still sweating and tired but I can push thru it without any breaks.

Finishing the workout feels good still, but its dragging a little more since I've done the same thing seven days in a row. I can predicate what Jillians going to say next and which move is next which makes the workout a little boring. I thought about switching to Level Two early but I think I'll stick with this level for three more days and just try to really make each move count.

I took pictures again today to see if there were ANY changes because that STUPID FREAKIN' SCALE still hasn't moved!!!! I know for sure my back has less fat on it, the rest of my body looks a little smaller but that could just be my imagination.

Anyway, I did this workout for seven days I can do it for 23 more!

I had planned on hitting up the gym tonight but got in an accident so that plan went out the window. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some elliptical in along with of course, the shred again!

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