Friday, February 17, 2012

Day One- Level One- Completed

Day One:Level One:

Today I started the 30 Day Shred DVD. I'm going to try my very best to do this EVERY day for the next 30 days. Well, every day but Wenesdays cuz I work a ten hour day...and that would be a little crazy to try to do this also.

I was pretty excited to try this DVD out cuz I'd been reading online and heard good things about it. I was also a little nervous because everyone said it was HARD.

Exercise clothes- check.
Water- check.
DVD in the player- check.
Remote to skip to the correct Level- ughhh where was my remote!? After searching for it for awhile I finally found it and started the DVD.

We started with a warm up. My heart rate went up and I def warmed up.

Then into the 3 mins of strength....2 of cardio and then 1 of abs. There's three different sets of each of these with no breaks. It was good tho, everytime I thought I was going to die she switched it up...after saying just three more, two more, one more and your onto...etc.
The cardio was a little tough a few times, I felt really tired at the beginning but pushed myself and got more energy towards the end. People said they thought Jillian was annoying but I actaully liked her alot. She was realistic and encouraging without being like too upbeat and like we were having fun. Cuz we weren't. But we were getting stronger and fit.

I think my favorite part was the punching during the cardio. It made me feel STRONG!

I felt so proud of myself when I finished the first day so imgaine how much prouder I'll be when I complete all 30!

I also kept under my 1200 calories and worked out on the eliptical for 12 mins and the circut at Planet Fitness for 10.

More tommorrow! I'm excited to get better at the moves. The pushups at the beginning were the hardest for me so I can't wait to be able to actaully keep up with the girls on the DVD.

I took "before" pictures and I'll take my measurements tommorrow also to be able to track my progress. Gots to get in shape for this wedding. I figured this blog will help keep me accoutable. I don't wait to have to write "I did nothing". That would be a sad day.

1 comment:

  1. Guess you couldn't wait for me to set up a blog, huh?
    Cute title!
