Saturday, March 10, 2012


Wow. I thought Level Two was tough. I take it back. Level 3 kicks my butt then tells me to do rockstar jumps. What are rockstar jumps you ask? Well after non-stop moving for about fifteen mins Jillian would like you to jump as high as you can while flinging your legs backwards and almost hitting yourself in the butt, do that for thirty seconds, then some squat jumps for 30, then REPEAT. Seriously? I don't even think I'll be able to make it all the way through this workout if I did it for the rest of my life! I can't keep up with the amount of reps they do on the TV. Its just way to fast. I did better on getting the form down on some of the moves.
The two toughest ones on this, no wait, make that THREE toughest ones areeee:
1. Walking planks. You get into a plank pose on your elbows instead of all the way up. Then you straighten your arms one at a time, then back down. I think you do that for a min straight. Its intense.
2. Superman. Most people know this move. You lay down and lift your legs and arms at the same time. But doing it for a min straight is NOT A GOOD TIME.
3. Plank lift thingys. I forget the real name. You get a plank pose with dumbbells in your hands. Then, staying in a plank pose you lift one dumbbell, put it down and then lift the opposite leg straight up. Then switch, and do that for a min. OUCH!
Oh and I might as well throw in those stupid scissor moves. Where you lay on your back and scissor your legs back and forth.

Theres ALOT of jumping moves here too. All the cardio moves include some kind of strength or jumping move. I am staying on the beginner ones on those for now.

All in all, I do still feel VERY strong when I finish a workout. Yesterday I worked out then went to the gym and did 20 mins on the elliptical. I feel sore today, but its a good sore. The day before I felt like a tired sore. That was a bad sore and showed me that I had overdone it.

One of the biggest things I"m learning from doing this is to LISTEN to my body. I'm much more in tune with whats going on with it and thats a good thing. Nine more days to go...then we will take measurements and pics and hopefully see some HUGE progress. Then I will be switching to an every other day format. I think I'll switch between levels one and two and maybe throw in three when I"m feeling very daring.

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