Saturday, March 3, 2012


...Ohhh ohhh, livin' on a prayer.
So. Halfway point. Go me!
I did this for fifteen days and I can do it for fifteen more! I can I can! I will I will!!!!

I ended up not getting a chance to do my workout until about 9 30 at night and I thought it was going to be really tough cuz I'd be tired but nooo, I think nightime is my best time to workout. I powered thru it with no breaks, using five pound weights for most of it. I didn't need to lay in my bed afterwards, I hit the shower and then went to bed and fell right asleep.

Don't be fooled and think that I thought this was easy this time. No no no, interestingly enough, sweat flew off me today. That has never happened to me but it literally just like flew off my face. Cuz I was sweating so much and working out so hard. It was like those workout motivation pics where the person is all sweaty and the sweat flies everywhere. That happened to me. I know- I'm kickin butt.

I also got in forty mins of cardio at the gym. I was able to RUN for five mins STRAIGHT. This is a huge! I used to struggle to run just two mins straight and I did five no problem. My body is changing and I like it. I also feel like I'm getting back and arm muscles. I haven't weighed myself in awhile, I'm kinda scared too. But I've really been feelin good lately. I am getting a little sick of Level Two and I have one more week left of it...well, five more days of it. So by Wednesday I can switch to Level Three. Scary.

I'm trying to do the non modified version of the plank cardio moves. I can do them for a few times and then my form gets messed up so I switch back to the modified version. I feel like thats more important, the form. And trust me, even the modified versions are crazy intense.

So that about covers Day Fifteen. It was a good good day.

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