Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day Fourteen- Two Weeks Strong.

This workout is killing me, have I said that yet? I feel like such a wimp. I think I'm just hitting a bump in the road here, tomorrow will mark the halfway point and I need to keep reminding myself if I got this far, I can do it one more time and finish strong.

I think the biggest thing thats bothering me is the lack of major results. I know it takes time but man, I'm workin hard here.

Today the only five second break I had to take was during the squats with a v-fly. That move is all kinds of crazy. My arms are strengthening up really well-when I do the plank moves I can really use them to hold myself up and feel them being strong. I do the modified moves for the two plank moves during cardio and for the vflies with the squat but other then that I do the non modified moves. I use the five pound weights for half and the 2.5 for the other half. I use the 5 pound ones for the static lunges with the arm pull things and the pendulum lunges with the bicep curls. And also for the ab workout, you can either hold the weighs to make it harder or just put your arms on the ground and I hold the five pound ones like a boss!

I think what I have to remember is yes, alot of other people could do this way better then me, alot of other people are much stronger then me, and alot of other people wouldn't be sweating and so tired like I am. I may have been alot smaller a few years ago, I may have had a nice flat tummy and no flab a few years ago but this is now. and this is me now. and for who I am right now- this is really really good. Working out for Fourteen Days in a row, doing my very best, doing all the moves and not doing them halfway. I have lost inches and I will lose more. I look MUCH better then I did fourteen days ago and I CAN be proud of myself. Now.

And that is all I have to say =]

1 comment:

  1. Of course you can be proud of yourself. The inches lost should be enough motivation, I'd say!

    if this old woman can keep going so can you...but then again I'm still on level one and planning to stay there for a while
